Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-12-18

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Passerelles vers Dieu, final evening

We had our final session of Passerelles vers Dieu last night. The main theme was the resurrection, but it also emphasized the need to repent and believe in Christ. We had a smaller committee of 10. I am not sure where the others were. The discussion was good.

Overall, the whole series has been encouraging. We are now looking forward to next year when we will do the series once more. The videos were well made. The content was fine. Maybe, on a few things, it could be clearer doctrinally, but the people who have followed the series have heard the gospel.

One of the things that is bothering me was in the last video. Continue reading “Passerelles vers Dieu, final evening”

A New mobile phone

We often complain about our phone carriers, or Internet provider, but never say that we rae happy about the service we get. Well, today I am pleased with them (although I know it may not last).

I got an Android phone back in January. It worked well until not long ago. Then, the screen froze, and there was no way to stop it, but to take the battery off. After that, the screen froze each time I restarted it, just before the screen that asked for my PIN. There was nothing I could do. I finally phoned the customer service, and they exchanged my old phone against a brand new one. Continue reading “A New mobile phone”

Staj krampouezh

I enjoyed the crepe making afternoon. It took place in the Breton Cultural centre, in Guingamp. 18 places were offered and 14 people turned up. Two ladies had been invited to give us some tips. They seem to be quite well known characters and are often invited for special events like this one. One of them was a Breton speaker and seemed quite keen to speak Breton with people. It was very frustrating that I haven’t yet reached the level to have a conversation with people. I will work harder. Continue reading “Staj krampouezh”