Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29

  • @gethin_aj Someone told me there are chances he'll speak English. Heard him in the colloque, he was great, but very dependent on his notes. in reply to gethin_aj #
  • @gethin_aj Chances are Don will speak in English, but if he doesn't, his French is very good and his quebec accent lighter than Garou's in reply to gethin_aj #
  • Should I be laughing at it or feel sick? Joel Osteen: #
  • Please, stop using Microsoft Office: Il serait temps de dire adieu au traitement de texte de Microsoft | Slate #
  • Got your 25GB free storage? Upgrade from 7GB to 25GB of Free Microsoft SkyDrive Storage While You Can #
  • just activated my #GoogleDrive together with my #dropbox account gives me plenty space to sync work documents between computers. #

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Do I really want to go to that conference in Geneva?

I am due to go to a conference in Geneva in 2 weeks time. Today, we had an email with details and they attached a link to the following video featuring the accommodation in nuclear bunkers.

Vidéos des abris Pâques 2010 from LaRébellution on Vimeo.

It’s rather primitive, but some friends are going, so it’ll be nice to catch up.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-22

  • Leading worship this morning? 5 Things to Pray for Your Congregation As You Prepare to Lead Worship via @bobbygilles #
  • @alandavey Do you mean you don't like the Who???? in reply to alandavey #
  • Received our tax declaration form today, hurrah… #
  • Last day in beautiful Savoy, before heading back to beautiful Brittany tomorrow. #

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A squatter on the doorstep

A cat has been squatting our doorstep since yesterday. He tries regularly to come into the house but it is out of the question. Initially, the cat was alone. Then, coming back from the prayer meeting, I found that it had given birth to three kittens in front of the door. I put the little family on a newspaper next to the door, but outside, with some milk for the mum.

In the morning I discovered a fourth kitten. Latter, I found that three out of the four kittens were dead 🙁 The remaining one seems healthy. We think we know who the cat belongs to, but there is no-one home. I hope they come back quickly. If we don’t find the masters over the weekend, I’ll have to take them to the nearest RSPCA center which is in St Brieuc, a rather long journey.

Driving through France

On Wednesday, we drove from Chambéry, my hometown, to Guingamp. There’s about 1000 km (620 miles). We did it in 12 hours, including breaks. I love French motorways. We drive through Central France and it is usually fairly quiet. The variety of sceneries is amazing. Going from St Etienne to Clermont-Ferrand, we could see snow. We then drove through to Bourges, Tours, Angers, Rennes. It was an uneventful journey. The kids behaved quite well considering the distance. We were glad to arrive back home though.