God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life

[amazon_link id=”B005ONI3TI” target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ](God at Work (Redesign): Your Christian Vocation in All of Life) By Veith, Gene Edward, JR. (Author) Paperback on 02-Aug-2011[/amazon_link]I’ve just read: God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by  Gene Edward Veith Jr. It’s subject is the doctrine of vocation. I found it very helpful. Along the same lines, Paul Helm’s “The Callings” is also good.[amazon_link id=”0851515126″ target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ]The Callings: Gospel in the World[/amazon_link]

How do you measure up the success of an evangelistic event?

Last night, we had the second part of our six part series “Passerelles vers Dieu”. We would have loved to have a crowd of unbelievers. But we were five, and everyone was from the church. Was the evening a success? Yes, it was.

We watched the video and discussed the themes. We thought about our contemporaries, the meaning of life… It was helpful to see how each one perceived the world we lived in. It ended up more like an “experience meeting”, in the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist tradition where people discussed their own experience of life and the world, and we tried to apply a biblical worldview to it.

There were no unbelievers, and that was a bit disappointing. But it was still a great evening. We talked a bout serious life issues, and I hope this was helpful to everyone.