Funny French words: hurluberlu

Some French words sound great. I thought I’d share a few with you. Today’s funny French word is “hurluberlu”. According to the Larousse online dictionary it means: “Personne étourdie, écervelée qui se comporte avec extravagance.” In english it would be: scatterbrain or scatty

C’est un hurluberlu: it is a weirdo.

“Je ne suis pas Anglais, je suis Gallois”

I took the stand to the market in Rostrenen this morning. The sun was shining, the market was quiet, most tourists have gone now. Nobody wanted to speak to me. But when I saw a man wearing a T-shirt saying “Je ne suis pas Anglais, je suis Gallois”, i had to ask where in Wales he and his wife were from.

We spoke Welsh, they were tourists from Carmarthenshire.

You’ve got to love Sundays

Sundays with 3 young children can be difficult. But they are usually privileged days spent together. We can enjoy each other’s company and speak about God and His grace towards us. It doesn’t always work out ideally, and dark, rainy winter Sundays feel endless.

Yesterday was one of those great, relaxed Sundays. I preached in the morning on Judges 2:6-23: the roots of apostasy, its expression, and God’s reaction to it. In the afternoon, after a nap and Bible story we went to see our friends at the campsite. They had a number of visitors from St Brieuc Evangelical church and we spent some time with them catching up on news by the river side. It was hot and sunny.

Funny French words: rutilant.

We are continuing our little series on funny French words. Today’s word is “rutilant”. According to the online Larousse dictionary, it means: “Qui est d’un rouge vif, éclatant : Cuivre rutilant.” Or “Qui brille d’un vif éclat : Une carrosserie rutilante.” In English, you would translate by gleaming or glowing.