Carey conference (2)

It was good to attend the Carey ministers conference this week. There were several goals to the trip: get refreshed spiritually off course, but also networking (getting to know people and getting them to know me). All the conferences were excellent and thought provoking. Bruce Ware on the Spirit filled Messiah was the highlight of the week. For some reports of the week, have a look at Gary Brady’s blog. The first post is here.

I was able to meet some fellow UFM missionaries and a member of the UFM council, and to arrange two meetings for my deputation trip in April. I also had the opportunity to speak a little about our work during the sharing time on Wednesday afternoon. On this occasion quite a few leaflets, prayer cards and newsletters went.

Carey Conference

I am off to Britain this afternoon where I will attend the Carey Conference near Derby. I am flying to London this afternoon. Esther will take me to the airport, 100km away. Thanks for your prayers. I will then stay overnight in North London with Esther’s sister and her husband. I have a lift from LTS tomorrow. The conference finishes on Thursday and I am flying back from Stansted on Friday afternoon.

I am looking forward to catch up with a few people and to meet new folks as well as to benefit from good ministry.