A jazz concert in the Library.

I took the children to the Library on Saturday and as we were about to leave, Jean-Baptiste noticed there was going to be some music in the exhibition room. We stayed on, not knowing what to expect. Posters on the walls gave me a clue. It was a band from Toulouse called  “Trio Zira”. It also said they played “oriental Jazz”. Not knowing what to expect, I was a bit anxious.

Classical jazz is fine with me, but experimental Jazz is not my thing. I find it strange to my hears and difficult to understand. But I was quite pleased when they started playing. It was pleasant music. We stayed about an hour and we left before the end as the children were getting bored.

I wouldn’t have chosen to come to a concert on a Saturday afternoon, especially if it is advertised as “oriental Jazz”. I’d be afraid to be surrounded by middle-class french intellectuals trying to sound clever by discussing the intricate details of the music and its influences. But I didn’t have to speak with anyone, to my relief. You can check that band’s website and listen to some music: http://triozira.free.fr/

2 thoughts on “A jazz concert in the Library.”

  1. We have free concerts at the Médiathèque one Saturday per month, with a free apéro offert par la mairie. We try to go if we’re free, though we’ve never piled in for the bunfight. We leave after the music and before the eats.

  2. That’s a way to avoid the conversation with people trying to be too clever I suppose. Personnaly I would probably do the reverse and go for the apero and not the concert. Not for the drinks, but for the nibbles.

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