The best of both: World Cup final and fireworks

Today is the 14th of July, Bastille day. Each year, French people celebrate the revolution, and there are usually fireworks on the 13th. This year, like many people we had a dilemma: fireworks or football. We decided we’d watch part of the football and leave before the end to have a good spot to watch the fireworks in Guingamp.
Off we went to the town centre. We found a great spot and waited. I had my smartphone, so we decided to continue to watch the game on it. Then I realised that many people were doing this, gathering around smartphone screens as we were waiting.
One lady thought that football fans wouldn’t be at the fireworks. Obviously she was wrong. Thanks to technology, we were able to have the best of both. Except that I lost my connection at some point during the prolongations and we missed the German goal.