La rentrée

The children went back to school a week ago after two months holidays. Both jean-Baptist and Maxime were happy to go back and have a new teacher. Football practice has also started for Jean-Baptiste. He will also take guitar lessons in the music school, as well as take part in the choir. Maxime is too young to take up an instrument but will also be at the music school for some introduction to music, 1/2 and hour a week. He was on the waiting list and we had a phone call to say that someone had stepped down.

“La rentrée” is always a big thing in France. That’s because education is a big thing for French people. Over a month before children go back to school, supermarkets stock up on school supplies. Then, in the weeks leading up to the first day of school, the medias kick in and talk about the cost of “la rentrée” for families. They cover various subjects, including things like how school bags are getting heavier each year…

On the first day, there were lot of parents around. It was a bit hectic as no one knew where they were supposed to go. Many parents had taken the day off for the occasion, or were going to work slightly later. That was a week ago, and we’re now back into the routine.

Why You Can’t Change Your Church

I found the following series of articles on the 9 marks blog very helpful. If you are not the Pastor or one of teh church leaders, there is not much you can do to actually implement change in your church. This is the bottom line of these blog posts. The author explains why and then shows what a member can do and how he can live with those things he can’t change.

Why You Can’t Change Your Church (Part 1 of 4)

Why You Can’t Change Your Church (Part 2 of 4)

Why You Can’t Change Your Church (Part 3 of 4)

Why You Can’t Change Your Church (Part 4 of 4)

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