- Soirée les experts. Nous devrions être au lit, mais on doit savoir la fin #csi #
- Amzer mat hon eus bet er sonadeg ar skol muzik Gwengamp fenoz #bzhg #
- #csi tonight: spooky #
- Tim Challies is giving away a gift certificate from Monergism ($250 for you and $250 for your pastor)! http://t.co/gSsx2vFk via @PunchTab #
- And now to teh end of year concert of the #Guingamp music school. #
- Et maintenant on va à l'audition de fin d'année de l'école de musique de #Guingamp #
- @challies A man after my own heart. Never understood why people enjoy the beach. in reply to challies #
- school council meeting #
- We will be in Rostrenen for the market this morning. The sun is shining. #
- Came across veterans marching to celebrate de Gaulles' call on 18th june http://t.co/8GF6RMa7 #
- Keloù mat – http://t.co/266hBTlo #
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